There Is Power In Positivity

I’ve been feeling pretty down these days, hence why I haven’t been posting much. I just haven’t had the desire or energy to do it. But that has got to change! I would really like to try and turn my current negative life outlook into a positive one instead. The questions in my last post helped me to realize this. I want to be happier in my life and stops always being in fight or flight mode aka stressed out! I think a lot of that comes down to my outlook on life. Recently I called a friend to vent and she was kind enough to remind me that everyone has shit thrown at them, but it’s how we perceive and deal with the “shit” that will determine our happiness or our positive/negative life outlook. Truthfully, I feel grumpy most days and I feel like I am always bitching about something. I tend to only focus on the the bad things in my life and that is so unfortunate for me because it’s making for an unhappy life. Changing my life outlook from negative to a positive one definitely is not going to be easy, it will be work, but it’s doable. I’ve come up with a small list of ways I can initiate this change:

-See something good in everyday

-Less worrying and more dealing with it as it comes

-Daily, positive comments and compliments

-Try not to bitch to my friends as much

-If I find myself in a really negative head space, take 10 deep breaths to try and clear my mind

I think those are a good start.

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